Digital Mixed Media

In Digital Art, Mixed Media involves the combination of two or more digital techniques such as digital painting, vector, 3D, photography, photo-manipulation, fractals.

Image one above – Titles of works (L to R):
1) 21136 – I am happy    2) 21131 – I am calm    3) 21138 – I am in love

Image two  above – Titles of works (L to R):
1) 21135 – I am excited    2) 21133 – I am content    3) 21134 – I am alive

For the past year this exercise has been the focus of my ongoing artistic professional development in the exploration & evaluation of new digital tools and technologies that I master & use to expand future creative expressions. *The selection of works above were created fusing fractal renderings & geometric abstraction forms.


I would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council,
an agency of the Government of Ontario.
Je tiens à remercier le Conseil des arts de l’Ontario, un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario,
de son aide financière.